Top 10 factors that breaks marriage relationship

  I came to discover that many people are facing a lot of challenges today in our society today. In our society today some marriages has broken apart due to one thing of the other. This article is for both the married and unmarried because it contains things you need to know before marriage and things to know before marriage. We have found solution that can help in having a successful marriage, only if you can stick to it. By the time you read this article till down you will find out some areas where you are not doing well and correct it.  Let’s get started.
   Preoccupation with the process of.               living

As a couple if you are preoccupied with something outside your marriage, your main priority is work, accumulating things is at the expense
      of getting to know one another better. In this connection, I should add that, in this process of living, time is not always on our side, and the distance between the spouse is getting stronger every passing day which is not necessary a happy situation between couple neither have a good ending, but tears the couple apart. But we should face the fact that at a process of been preoccupied with stuff outside the marriage within that period of time can be a corrosive influence in a marriage
                A quantity of attention giving to a marriage relationship
An attention given or provided in a marriage determine the success of that very marriage, it is important to realise that attention provided between couple makes marital life interesting, attention is a foundation of a strong relationship between couple, in a process whereby the other partner is not receiving good attention, such person will assume the other partner is getting attention somewhere it breaks marriage, such a situation can cause a disaster into a marriage.

Lack of communication

This is another major problem in a marriage, which means trying to carry on a marriage relationship while communication is not deeper than a click conversation, reporting to the fact about others which is not supposed to be so. Many husband and wife, though married for years, if ever share their real feeling and emotions, due to the poor communication between the spouse, and rarely talk to each other about how they feel toward each other.
Communication is one of the most important ingredients in marriage, surprisingly so many marriage is tearing apart because the couple have no good communication between themselves.
This is a parental problem between men and women; one of the main gift most women want from their men is companionship. A wife wants her husband to be with her, to listen to her and to talk with her, not simply to talk at her. Unfortunately most men don’t really enjoy engaging in that type of verbal communication.
Nevertheless, if communication is the key to a happy marriage and is not taking place between the couple, it breaks marriages.

Unmet personal needs

In a marriage if self-centre is involve, the revise will be the case. Marriage is no more two but one in Christ, is no more about one person but both of you should be involve in everything, but some husband and wives have vocational, social, intellectual, and/ or emotional needs outside their marriage which they are not meting up that point for each other, when it reaches a level of unbearable they end up being separated.

Lack of personal growth

As a couple to keep life interesting and alive is the need to keep growing, the same goes to marriage relationship. There should always be a need to keep learning and growing not only together but as individual. God has designed the human personality a great potential for growth, if both people in the marriage are growing there should never be a find when they will look down at each other instead their relationship will remain fresh, and won’t be the likelihood of burden because both are all growing and there is no room for liability, but in a process whereby the other partner is a liability the other working partner gets tired and demand for divorce just to free himself from being the other person sponsor and that’s how will end.

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Infidelity is playing a vital role in breaking in the society, simply because after marriage for years, having kid; they no more see their partner attractive to them enough, to be satisfy with that’s to some, while others is a kind of life style they chooses,  but some is temptation which they failed to overcome, which ends up breaking marriages.
Lack of discipline

Another thing that can affect marriage is indiscipline, when the couple lacks respect to each other this can course disaster in that relationship. In a marriage where the wife is discipline enough disputation will be limited between each other, this is a situation whereby the wife will get to learn her husband and understand him very well, she will know what her partner doesn’t like and avoid it. On the other hand when you have discipline husband a well matured and discipline man that understand what marriage is all about, things will be in order. But in a situation whereby both couple lacks discipline there is nothing they can do to manage and maintain that very relationship.

Lack of trust

This is another key factor that affects a relationship in our society today. A relationship where there is no trust never last.
In order way round you can equally call it jealousy. Yes jealousy is one of the characteristics of marriage, but should be handled with a proper care. This can occur when a partner sees other with a friend or other ones they become uncomfortable with it, yes it is part of love, but should have limit.
Lost of intimacy

Back when you first met each other thing was lively and fresh, everything was going well then. Relationship where there is emotional intimacy is a strong relationship, but when there is no emotional intimacy in a relationship that relationship is more likely to breakdown.
Intimacy loses weight as a result of lack of personal maintenance, unsatisfied in sex.
Nevertheless it is not all relationship experience intimacy breakdown that is the benefits of contentment in humans life, therefore any relationship that lost emotional intimacy never last.

Alcohol and drugs

Many marriages has ended because of alcoholic, every woman wants to have a responsible husband. Keeping a partner who deals with alcohol and drugs with you is subjecting yourself into trouble; it is a big risk to say.
Top 10 factors that breaks marriage relationship Top 10 factors that breaks marriage relationship Reviewed by London Jite on November 19, 2015 Rating: 5

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